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  • Épargne et retraite | Slama-assurances

    Our know - how, Your well - being Explanations on how retirement savings work The Slama Assurances, Immobilier & Finances agency offers its clients solutions and complete support for their pensions in Israel or France . What exactly is a pension fund? In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. A pension fund (or retirement) is a financial instrument, long-term savings , the main purpose of which is to accumulate a sum of money for life after retirement. It is generally common to save for retirement through a pension fund which also includes insurance against incapacity for work, invalidity or even for heirs. Thus, beyond traditional retirement savings, the pension fund contains two insurance elements: a pension for the heirs (the beneficiaries) , designed to guarantee that in the event of death, a monthly pension will be paid to the family members (spouse and children under the age of 21), and an invalidity pension designed to financially support the family, in the event of accidents or serious injuries that would prevent them from continuing to work. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Ultimately, it is this money accumulated over the years that will determine the standard of living when one stops working, and so it is a very significant fact to take into account. The accumulated sums of money can be received at the appropriate time (i.e. at retirement age) by means of a monthly annuity and, in some cases, in the form of a lump sum. If you want to withdraw the funds before retirement age, you will have to pay 35% tax. The high tax aims to prevent premature withdrawal, as the state seeks to prevent by all means the boarders depend on it (through social benefits) and thus tries as much as possible to encourage investment long term through long term investments. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. It is important to remember that both employer and employee are entitled to tax benefits under the pension fund provisions. The law allows the employer to set aside up to 7.5% of the employee's salary (in addition to 8.33% as compensation) and for the employee, the law allows up to 7% of his salary. The accumulated retirement savings are in fact a combination of the funds transferred by the employee and the employer, the amount of the deposits being determined according to the percentage of the salary. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. The total amount of contributions for employees, as required by law in Israel, breaks down into 3 parts: 17.5%, of which 5.5% for TAGMOULIM at the expense of the employee, 6% for the TAGMOULIM at the expense of the employer, and 6% for the PITSOUYIM at the expense of the employer. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. However, in many cases, these contributions do not guarantee a standard of living equivalent to that of working life upon retirement. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Also, you have the possibility of making monthly personal deposits in a private pension fund which will allow you to increase your income once retirement arrives. New service at Slama Assurances I&F: In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. If you have worked in France in the past, we also have a service in our agency which can help you obtain your monthly pension from the French State . In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. To find out more, please do not hesitate to contact us today. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Your future does not wait! Retraite française DEVIS RETRAITE EN ISRAEL Nouveau service chez Slama Assurances I&F: ​ Si vous avez travaillé en France par le passé, nous avons également un service dans notre agence qui peut vous aider à obtenir votre rente mensuel de la part de l'Etat français . ​ ​ Pour en savoir plus, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter dès aujourd'hui. ​ Votre avenir n'attend pas ! Retraite israélienne DEVIS RETRAITE EN FRANCE

  • Assurance Voiture Israël | Slama-assurance

    Our know - how, Your well - being Explain how the Automobile Insurance in Israel the ë As a major French-speaking insurance agency in Israel, Slama Assurances, Immobilier & Finances offers its clients comprehensive insurance policies as well as support allowing them to benefit from personal and professional advice, as well as letters in French. included in the contract itself to facilitate understanding of the various coverages. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. There are three types of auto insurance policies: An all-risk insurance policy (in Hebrew: Bitouah 'Mékif - ביטוח מקיף ) includes guarantees against loss or damage that may be caused to the insured vehicle, due to an unforeseen event such as: fire, overturn, collision, accident of any kind, theft and damage caused by theft, natural damage, etc. The basic insurance policy can be extended to include a range of additional advanced services. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. A civil liability insurance policy or third party insurance (in Hebrew: Bitouah 'Tsad Guimel - ביטוח צד ג ) covers damage to the property of others that may be caused by the insured as a result of the use of his vehicle. The insurance company will indemnify the injured opposing party within the limits of liability specified in the policy. The third party insurance policy allows extensions, such as: towing services, glass breakage coverage, legal protection coverage, etc. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Compulsory insurance (Hebrew: Bitouah 'H'ova - ביטוח חובה ) covers bodily injuries suffered by the driver, passengers and pedestrians. Under current law, vehicles traveling on the roads are subject to compulsory automobile insurance. Driving without compulsory insurance puts the driver in danger and can cost him dearly in the event of an accident resulting in bodily injury, expensive medical treatment or even hospitalization. To know : Attention !! There is no finding in Israel! In the event of a claim, take the maximum number of photos of the accident and the context from several angles, as well as a photo of the Tehoudat Zéhoute (identity card) of the third party, his gray card (רישיון רכב), his certificate insurance (תעודת ביטוח), his phone number etc, the best thing being anyway to get the police to come to the scene of the accident so that they can make their report. The more information and proof you take during your accident, the more chance you have of being successful in the event of a dispute over the liability of the opposing party in the incident. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Certain types of vehicles require compulsory anti-theft protection in order to be able to launch insurance coverage (Code, geolocation system, etc.). In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Make sure that the insurance is made on the exact vehicle model and the name of the vehicle owner on the vehicle registration document (רישיון רכב), in order to prevent problems in the event of a claim and sometimes financial loss. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Claims occurring on your vehicle without an identified third party are counted as a responsible claim in the Israeli system, if the insured uses his all-risk policy. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Do not hesitate ! Slama insurances are at your disposal to give you the best conditions and prices on the market Israeli ​ Une police d’assurance tous risques (en hébreu: Bitouah' Mékif - ביטוח מקיף ) comprend les garanties contre la perte ou les dommages pouvant être causés au véhicule assuré, en raison d’un événement imprévu tel que: incendie, renversement, collision, accident de quelque nature que ce soit, vol et dommages causés par le vol, dommages naturels, etc. La police d'assurance de base peut être étendue et inclure une gamme de services avancés supplémentaires. ​ Une police d'assurance responsabilité civile ou assurance au tiers (en hébreu: Bitouah' Tsad Guimel - ביטוח צד ג ) couvre les dommages causés aux biens d'autrui pouvant être engendrés par l'assuré du fait de l'utilisation de son véhicule. La compagnie d'assurance indemnisera la partie adverse lésée dans les limites de responsabilité précisées dans la police. La police d'assurance au tiers permet des extensions, telles que: services de remorquage, couverture pour bris de vitre, couverture de protection juridique, etc. ​ L'assurance obligatoire (en hébreu: Bitouah' H'ova - ביטוח חובה ) couvre les dommages corporels subis par le conducteur, les passagers et les piétons. En vertu de la loi en vigueur, les véhicules circulant sur les routes sont soumis à l’assurance automobile obligatoire. Conduire sans assurance obligatoire met le conducteur en danger et peut lui en coûter cher en cas d'accident entraînant des lésions corporelles, un traitement médical coûteux ou encore une hospitalisation. A savoir : Attention !! Il n'existe pas de constat en Israël ! En cas de sinistre, prenez le maximum de photos de l'accident et du contexte sous plusieurs angles, ainsi qu'une photo de la Tehoudat Zéhoute (carte d'identité) du tiers, de sa carte grise (רישיון רכב), son certificat d'assurance (תעודת ביטוח), son numéro de téléphone etc, le mieux étant de toute façon de parvenir à faire venir la police sur les lieux de l'accident afin qu'elle puisse faire son rapport. Plus vous prenez de renseignements et de preuves lors de votre accident, plus vous avez de chance d'avoir gain de cause en cas de litige quant à la responsabilité de la partie adverse sur le sinistre . ​ Certains types de véhicules nécessitent des protections antivol obligatoires pour pouvoir lancer la couverture assurantielle (Code, système de géolocalisation..). ​ Assurez-vous que l’assurance est faite sur le modèle de véhicule exact et sur le nom du propriétaire du véhicule figurant sur la carte grise (רישיון רכב), afin de prévenir les problèmes en cas de réclamation et parfois de perte financière. ​ Les sinistres survenus sur votre véhicule sans tiers identifié, sont comptabilisés comme un sinistre responsable dans le système israélien, si l'assuré utilise son contrat tous risques. ​ N'hésitez plus ! Les assurances Slama sont à votre disposition pour vous donner les meilleures conditions et tarifs sur le marché israélien DEVIS PERSONNALISÉ You will find below two videos of Claude Slama who tells us a little more about the mechanisms of automobile insurance, at the microphone of Studios Qualita:

  • Assurances, Immobilier & Finance en Israël | Slama-assurances

    Epargne et investissements Assurance vie Automobile Habitation Mutuelle sant é Contact Assurances Vie, Immobilier & Finance en Israël | Slama-assurances About - us? Fort d'une expérience de plus de 35 ans en Israël, notre agence vous offre la possibilité de sécuriser vos biens, votre santé ainsi que la stabilité de votre famille et de vos ressources Nos pôles d'activités Assurer vos biens Assurez en toute sérénité votre appartement, votre véhicule et votre commerce aux meilleures conditions et aux tarifs les plus attractifs Assurer votre personne et votre famille Votre santé et celle de votre famille n'ont pas de prix ! Renseignez-vous sur nos programmes complémentaires avec les Koupot H'olim pour la sécurité de tous les êtres qui vous sont chers Gestions de vos sinistres Profitez d'un service de qualité en français pour gérer vos sinistres et vous accompagner tout au long des démarches jusqu’au recouvrement de vos dégâts Placement de votre argent Vous avez des économies ? Ne les laissez pas dormir dans votre compte en banque ! Venez profiter de taux de rendements attractifs proposés par les sociétés d'assurances israéliennes Optimisation de vos crédits Vous avez un crédit en cours ? Vous souhaitez souscrire un emprunt pour un appartement ou un crédit a la consommation ? Profitez de notre service de financement et de conseils pour obtenir les meilleures conditions de remboursement de votre prêt Vous loger en Israël - Louer ou vendre vos biens immobiliers En tant qu'agents immobiliers, nous pouvons vous fournir des solutions pour vous loger, acheter, louer ou encore vendre vos biens immobiliers About - us? Plus de 35 ans d'expérience et de conseils sur Jérusalem Claude Slama , married and father of 8 children, arrived from France to Israel in Jerusalem in 1983. Former bank manager and holder of a third cycle of economics, he decided in 1986 to get into the insurance industry. Very quickly, through petanque and belote tournaments, the office became known throughout the country, to the point that a secondary office was created in Natanya on Kikar Haatsmaout. From the beginning of the 90s, the office grew, among other things thanks to the insurance of particular niches, such as the insurance of large hotels or renowned Israeli chain stores. In recent years, the office has grown and seeks to satisfy its large clientele in various areas outside of insurance, such as obtaining and refinancing loans as well as property management, Claude also being a licensed real estate agent. The office is at your disposal for these various services and to advise you in other fields. Rencontrez l'équipe Claude Slama Fondateur de l'agence Yonathan Pôles : Santé - Vie - Investissements Shlomite Responsable du pôle Habitation Léa Pôles : Auto - Professionnel - Voyages Nos clients satisfaits L.Tolub - Raanana "L’équipe de Slama Assurance est toujours disponible pour conseiller et défendre au mieux les intérêts du client avec gentillesse, professionnalisme et efficacité. J’apprécie particulièrement cette relation de confiance" P.Touboul - Jeruslaem " Nous sommes client du cabinet Slama depuis plus de 20 ans aussi bien pour nos assurances privées que professionnelles. Au cours de ces années nous avons appréciés le professionnalisme, la patience, et surtout le dévouement pour défendre nos dossiers litiges face aux différentes compagnies d'assurance. Il ne suffit pas de payer ses primes encore faut-il être bien défendu et remboursé quand on en a besoin. Nadine, qui est la mémoire du cabinet, a toujours eu une réponse ou un conseil à donner, même si aujourd'hui la succession est assurée avec les enfants de Claude. Merci pour tout, face aux dédales et aux complications connues des assureurs " S & N Bohbot - Jerusalem "Claude SLAMA et son équipe, Hanna, Yonathan et Shlomite, sont formidables, toujours à notre service pour nous guider, nous conseiller et veiller sur nos assurances multiples avec leur expérience et compétences professionnelles de haut niveau depuis de nombreuses années. Toujours disponibles, à l'écoute et très aimables, l'équipe de SLAMA-ASSURANCES est la meilleure ! Bravo et Merci ! "

  • Remerciements | Slama-assurances

    Message sent ! Thank you for contacting Slama Assurances, Immobilier & Finances. Our advisers will get back to you as soon as possible. See you soon

  • Vente - Jerusalem | Slama-assurances

    Our experience, Your serenity Real estate sales - מכירת דירות JERUSALEM Coming soon

  • Assurance Santé Israël | Slama-assurances | Santé Israël

    Our know - how, Your well - being Explain how insurance Sant é ë in Israel the Assurance Santé Israël Private health insurance provides you with the solutions you need to face difficult situations such as serious illness, certain delicate interventions or even obtaining drugs that are not covered in the Koupot H basket. 'olim (sickness funds) . The basket of services provided to you by the Koupot H'olim, within the framework of the national law on health insurance, is mainly intended to cover the costs of treatment of common illnesses and gives the insured a feeling of security. and peace of mind. However, this feeling is wrong and even dangerous in many medical situations where basic services do not provide real solutions. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. The Israelis are themselves aware of the shortcomings of the health system, and even make parodies of them in their television series. Below is a subtitled extract: Exemples de cas médicaux dans lesquels les services des Koupot H'olim sont insuffisants: Examples of medical cases in which the services of the Koupot H'olim are insufficient: Organ transplants - Israel is a small country and awareness of organ donation is low. As a result, a citizen in need of an organ transplant may wait a long time to find a suitable organ in Israel, to the point of endangering his life. Health organizations can fund organ transplants abroad, but the patient must be in a life-threatening situation and medical service is not available in Israel. These two cumulative criteria mean that only a few patients will receive an organ transplant abroad. Surgery and special treatment abroad - Sometimes a patient has to resort to medical treatment which cannot be received in Israel or which is preferable to receive abroad. For example, abroad may have a new method of treatment or new medical equipment for the treatment of the patient's illness, methods or instruments that do not exist in Israel. or which have not yet been tried in Israel. In such cases, the Koupot H'olim can refuse the patient treatment abroad, unless two conditions are met: The first, that the disease is potentially fatal, the second, that this type of treatment is not not available on Israeli soil. In other words, very few patients can expect to receive this type of care as part of their Koupot H'olim. In addition, the financial cost for treatment abroad is several tens of thousands of dollars. Specific drugs - A large number of drugs allowing to save or prolong the life of the patient are not or no longer part of the basket of care of the Koupot H'olim (that is to say that the State does not take its charges the patient), drugs that most often cost tens of thousands of shekels per month. This is the case for example drugs against cancer of the spinal cord, blood, leukemia, serious infections etc. Performing an operation in Israel - When a person chooses the best surgeon for a surgical operation, they have to look to the private system (hospitals such as Assuta, Herzliya Medical Center, NARA Medical Center, etc.) and the costs are very high. The use of the private system makes it possible to cover these costs, and considerably reduces the waiting period for a surgical intervention as well as the suffering of the patient. In addition, private insurance also covers treatments that replace operations, and which have the advantage of preventing long-term sequelae, such as certain injections and wave propagation that replace operations on the back, knee or of the shoulder . This type of care is not covered by Koupat H'olim. More than that, the doctors of Koupot H'olim do not have the right to recommend this type of intervention to their patients. Outpatient services (Excluding hospitalization) - Sometimes a patient has to resort to so-called "outpatient" services, which are long or sometimes even unavailable for the Koupot H'olim. Thus, the various imaging tests (scanners, MRI, CT) can be delivered in private, and this, much more quickly than in the public system. In addition, an expanded pregnancy care basket is included (reimbursement for genetic tests, storage of umbilical cord blood, prenatal training, postnatal hotel and assistance from a private breastfeeding consultant), which makes it possible to obtain a additional security in this delicate period which requires the best care. Outpatient services also include reimbursement for visits to specialist private physicians, as well as reimbursement for physiotherapy care. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Slama insurance firm offers unique solutions to policyholders who wish to develop special policies tailored to their specific needs. Thus, three levels of cover are available to you: Basic package "Must-Have": Medicines outside the health basket + Treatments abroad (transplants, operations and surrogates). This basic package varies according to age and costs between 25 and 140 Shekels / Month. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Basic "Should-Have" Package: Operations and surrogates in Israel + Disability Insurance + Basic Package Coverage. The price of this Package varies according to the sums insured and the age. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Complete package "Nice To Have": Two above-mentioned packages + Alternative medicine + Treatment and follow-up of childhood development + Screening and intensive follow-up of patients. The price of this Package also varies according to the sums insured and the age. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Other existing insurance in Israel in the field of health: In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Disability Insurance (ביטוח סיעודי) - In the event of disability, the state places major responsibility for the care of family members. This is because non-medical care for a disabled patient is not part of the services provided by health organizations under the national law on health insurance. Thus, after examining the patient's state of health, the Ministry of Health (משרד הבריאות), the Ministry of Social Affairs (משרד הרווחה), the National Social Security Institute (מוסד הביטוח לאומי) and the sickness funds (קופות חולים), provide partial assistance only, and those who desire additional services must pay for them themselves. The disability insurance offered by the Slama firm guarantees full compensation in these types of situations, allows the insured to maintain his independence and not depend on members of his family or his acquaintances. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Critical Illness Insurance (ביטוח מחלות קשות) - Insurance "serious illness" About ed by Slama firm provides financial compensation to cover family expenses, ensure the standard of living and, of course, choose the best medical treatment in in the event that the insured suffers from one of these diseases (non-exhaustive list): Cancer, acute heart attack, paralysis, Parkinson's, severe burns, stroke (...). In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Do not hesitate ! Slama insurances are at your disposal to give you the best conditions and prices on the market Israeli Autres assurances existantes en Israël dans le domaine de la santé: Assurance invalidité (ביטוח סיעודי) - Dans les cas d'invalidité, l'État fait porter la responsabilité majeure des soins aux membres de la famille. Cela s'explique par le fait que les soins non-médicaux dispensés à un patient invalide ne font pas partie des services fournis par les organismes de santé dans le cadre de la loi nationale sur l'assurance maladie. Ainsi, après avoir examiné l’état de santé du patient, le ministère de la Santé (משרד הבריאות), le ministère des Affaires sociales (משרד הרווחה), l’Institut national de sécurité sociale (מוסד הביטוח לאומי) et les caisses de maladie (קופות חולים), fournissent une assistance partielle uniquement, et ceux qui sont désirent des services supplémentaires doivent les payer par eux-mêmes. L’assurance invalidité proposée par le cabinet Slama garantit une indemnisation complète dans ces types de situations, permet à l’assuré de conserver son indépendance et de ne pas dépendre des membres de sa famille ou de ses connaissances. Assurances maladies graves (ביטוח מחלות קשות) - L'assurance "maladies graves" proposée par le cabinet Slama prévoit une indemnisation financière pour couvrir les dépenses de la famille, assurer le niveau de vie et, bien entendu, choisir le meilleur traitement médical dans le cas où l'assuré souffrirait de l'une de ces maladies (liste non-exhaustive): Cancer, crise cardiaque aiguë, paralysie, Parkinson, brûlures graves, AVC (...). N'hésitez plus ! Les assurances Slama sont à votre disposition pour vous donner les meilleures conditions et tarifs sur le marché israélien DEVIS PERSONNALISÉ

  • Location - Netanya | Slama-assurances

    Our experience, Your serenity Real estate l0cations - השכרת דירות NETANYA Coming soon

  • Assurance Garanties accidents de la vie Israël | Slama-assurances

    Our know - how, Your well - being Explain how GAV insurance in Israel the ë Slama Assurance offers various types of personal accident insurance plans , which cover cases of disability, hospitalization, fractures, burns, dependence and loss of life following an accident. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Types of insurance coverage: Compensation in the event of the insured's loss of working capacity following an accident. Compensation in the event of permanent, total or partial disability due to an accident. Compensation in the event of the death of the insured following an accident. To know: This insurance can be purchased for a variety of professions, including household management. In the event of professional sport and / or combat, the insurer must be notified in advance.

  • Location - Jerusalem | Slama-assurances

    Our experience, Your serenity Real estate l0cations - השכרת דירות JERUSALEM Coming soon

  • Mashkenta Israël | Assurance Crédit Hypothécaire | Slama-assurances

    Our know - how, Your well - being Explain how the Mashkenta insurance in Israel the ë Mashkenta Israël If you have taken out a mortgage, the bank will also ask you to take out mortgage loan insurance . Below are the main points you should know about this type of insurance. Mortgage insurance has two compulsory components and a third optional: The first is life insurance , which aims to cover the amount of the loan you have taken out with the bank in the event of death, whether yours or that of your spouse (and that it becomes impossible to continue to paying mortgage payments), each covered separately for 100% of the amount borrowed. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. The second is the insurance of the walls of the apartment , which is intended to cover the loan that you have taken out from the bank in the event that the apartment suffers heavy damage, which will lead to a significant reduction in the value of the property. apartment and would actually make it worthless for the bank (earthquakes, storms, fire, water damage ..). In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. The insurance you choose can also include insurance for the contents of your apartment , i.e. items and furniture in your apartment, but the bank itself does not require this in the contract, since the value of the contents of your apartment is unrelated to the mortgage. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. These policies are primarily intended to serve the lending bank and ensure that you can pay the mortgage repayments, but also to serve you, as they also assure you that in case of hardship, the insurance company will assist you. DEVIS PERSONNALISÉ

  • Renégociation de Mashkenta | Slama-assurances

    New mortgage regulations - Overview of the current market situation Recently, new guidelines from the Bank of Israel have been published in various media, some of which have been approved and will come into effect on January 17, 2021, for new mortgage borrowers and for renegotiations of loans already underway from January 17, 2021. February 28, 2021 . The new directives make it possible to increase the component of the “Prime” up to 2/3 of the total loan against 1/3 so far. The media coverage was created because of the low level of interest rates, which have been around 1.6% for a long time. But is it really safe to take more “Prime”? In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. The more we choose the “Prime” rate instead of a fixed interest rate, the more vulnerable we will be to changes in interest rates, and banks can be expected to raise interest rates. interest for those who ask for more rates in "Premium". Today, the level of interest rates is very low, among the lowest since the establishment of the State of Israel, and therefore it is worth considering taking more fixed components and thus reducing the possible mortgage modifications. In summary - it is not certain that the new relief will be real good news during this period, but it is very possible that later competition will lead to a low interest rate of the "Prime", which will lead to a reduction. significant for future mortgage borrowers. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Another new regulation that has not yet been approved concerns the reduction of prepayment charges. While today there is a 20% reduction on the prepayment charge after two years, and a 30% reduction after 5 years, now a 50% reduction will be added after 8 years. The reduction will be very beneficial for those who wish to refinance a mortgage or for those who intend to repay before the end of the mortgage period. This is because prepayment charges can reach tens of thousands of shekels, and in many cases, people refrain from refinancing a mortgage because it makes the turnover unprofitable. Note that there is no prepayment charge on the “Premium” portion, so if customers increase the portion of that rate, the overhead prepayment charge will also be reduced. Mortgage freeze Following the Corona pandemic, the Bank of Israel decided to broadly approve the possibility of a mortgage freeze in order to make everyday life easier for all borrowers in such a time of uncertainty. You can either freeze only the principal payments and pay only the interest portion, or freeze the entire payment and not repay the loan at all. Some people thought that this was some kind of a favor and that since they did not pay a monthly payment, the mortgage would be suspended for a few months without charge. However, in reality, in the case of a partial freeze, the monthly repayments are in fact "money thrown in the trash" because the principal to be repaid is not used and the interest is paid. In the case of a full freeze, the cost is even higher since the interest not paid during the freeze period is spread over the remaining mortgage balance and will be paid at the end of the mortgage period (and will incur additional interest charges). In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. The monthly repayment after the freeze period is therefore expected to increase both due to the additional interest charges and the fact that the mortgage balance now has to be repaid over a shorter period. In conclusion, behind the relief is a considerable cost that the freezing of the loan entails and it is therefore advisable to avoid freezing mortgage payments and only use this lifeline in cases where it does not. there is no other choice. Investors In recent months, there has been a massive influx of investors into the real estate market. The main reasons are the very low interest rate environment, in particular the possibility of early repayment with less exposure to taxes, reducing the purchase tax from 8% to 5%. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. The state housing assistance program named “Meh'ir Lamishtakene” (מחיר למשתכן) is in its final stages of existence, and in the absence of an alternative plan, this will create greater demand on the land. estate market. At the same time, housing starts are lower than the demand for housing each year - resulting in higher prices and increases across the country are expected in the near future, except for commercial real estate such as stores and offices, where recent times have created an increased risk for vacant properties. The level of interest rates and new regulations therefore force us to verify the viability of our mortgage cycles and those of our clients. In many cases, tens and hundreds of thousands of Shekels can be saved, even in cases where prepayment charges are high. This is definitely the time to buy a property for residence or for investment and thus take advantage of low interest rates and a mortgage loan opportunity on the best terms. In other words, it's time to save thousands of Shekels! Do not hesitate to Contact us

  • Assurances, Immobilier & Finance en Israël | Slama-assurances

    בס"ד SLAMA Insurance , Real Estate & Finance With more than 30 years of experience in Israel, our agency offers you the possibility of securing your property, your health as well as the stability of your family and your resources. About - us? Claude Slama , married and father of 8 children, arrived from France to Israel in Jerusalem in 1983. Former bank manager and holder of a third cycle of economics, he decided in 1986 to get into the insurance industry. Very quickly, through petanque and belote tournaments, the office became known throughout the country, to the point that a secondary office was created in Natanya on Kikar Haatsmaout. From the beginning of the 90s, the office grew, among other things thanks to the insurance of particular niches, such as the insurance of large hotels or renowned Israeli chain stores. In recent years, the office has grown and seeks to satisfy its large clientele in various areas outside of insurance, such as obtaining and refinancing loans as well as property management, Claude also being a licensed real estate agent. The office is at your disposal for these various services and to advise you in other fields. Our areas of activity Insure your property Ensure your apartment, vehicle and business with confidence at the best conditions and at the most attractive rates Insure yourself and your family Your health and that of your family are priceless! Find out about our complementary programs with the Koupot H'olim for the safety of all those who are dear to you Management of your claims Take advantage of quality service in French to manage your claims and support you throughout the process until your damage is recovered Investing your money Do you have savings? Don't let them sleep in your bank account! Come and take advantage of attractive rates of return offered by Israeli insurance companies Optimization of your credits Do you have an outstanding loan? Do you want to take out a loan for an apartment or a consumer loan? Take advantage of our financing and advice service to obtain the best repayment terms for your loan Accommodation in Israel - Rent or sell your real estate As real estate agents, we can provide you with solutions for housing, buying, renting or even selling your real estate. The team Claude Slama Fondateur de l'agence Hanna Directrice du pôle assurance vie et santé Yonathan Pôle automobile et professionnel Shlomite Responsable du pôle assurance Habitation The Slama Assurance team is always available to advise and defend the best interests of the client with kindness, professionalism and efficiency. I particularly appreciate this relationship of trust. L. Tolub - Ra'anana In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Over 30 years of experience and advice on Jerusalem Contact

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