Our know - how,
Your well - being
Explain how insurance Sant é ë in Israel the
Assurance Santé Israël

Private health insurance provides you with the solutions you need to face difficult situations such as serious illness, certain delicate interventions or even obtaining drugs that are not covered in the Koupot H basket. 'olim (sickness funds) .
The basket of services provided to you by the Koupot H'olim, within the framework of the national law on health insurance, is mainly intended to cover the costs of treatment of common illnesses and gives the insured a feeling of security. and peace of mind. However, this feeling is wrong and even dangerous in many medical situations where basic services do not provide real solutions.
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The Israelis are themselves aware of the shortcomings of the health system, and even make parodies of them in their television series. Below is a subtitled extract:
Exemples de cas médicaux dans lesquels les services des Koupot H'olim sont insuffisants:
Examples of medical cases in which the services of the Koupot H'olim are insufficient:
Organ transplants - Israel is a small country and awareness of organ donation is low. As a result, a citizen in need of an organ transplant may wait a long time to find a suitable organ in Israel, to the point of endangering his life. Health organizations can fund organ transplants abroad, but the patient must be in a life-threatening situation and medical service is not available in Israel. These two cumulative criteria mean that only a few patients will receive an organ transplant abroad.
Surgery and special treatment abroad - Sometimes a patient has to resort to medical treatment which cannot be received in Israel or which is preferable to receive abroad. For example, abroad may have a new method of treatment or new medical equipment for the treatment of the patient's illness, methods or instruments that do not exist in Israel. or which have not yet been tried in Israel. In such cases, the Koupot H'olim can refuse the patient treatment abroad, unless two conditions are met: The first, that the disease is potentially fatal, the second, that this type of treatment is not not available on Israeli soil. In other words, very few patients can expect to receive this type of care as part of their Koupot H'olim. In addition, the financial cost for treatment abroad is several tens of thousands of dollars.
Specific drugs - A large number of drugs allowing to save or prolong the life of the patient are not or no longer part of the basket of care of the Koupot H'olim (that is to say that the State does not take its charges the patient), drugs that most often cost tens of thousands of shekels per month. This is the case for example drugs against cancer of the spinal cord, blood, leukemia, serious infections etc.
Performing an operation in Israel - When a person chooses the best surgeon for a surgical operation, they have to look to the private system (hospitals such as Assuta, Herzliya Medical Center, NARA Medical Center, etc.) and the costs are very high. The use of the private system makes it possible to cover these costs, and considerably reduces the waiting period for a surgical intervention as well as the suffering of the patient. In addition, private insurance also covers treatments that replace operations, and which have the advantage of preventing long-term sequelae, such as certain injections and wave propagation that replace operations on the back, knee or of the shoulder . This type of care is not covered by Koupat H'olim. More than that, the doctors of Koupot H'olim do not have the right to recommend this type of intervention to their patients.
Outpatient services (Excluding hospitalization) - Sometimes a patient has to resort to so-called "outpatient" services, which are long or sometimes even unavailable for the Koupot H'olim. Thus, the various imaging tests (scanners, MRI, CT) can be delivered in private, and this, much more quickly than in the public system. In addition, an expanded pregnancy care basket is included (reimbursement for genetic tests, storage of umbilical cord blood, prenatal training, postnatal hotel and assistance from a private breastfeeding consultant), which makes it possible to obtain a additional security in this delicate period which requires the best care. Outpatient services also include reimbursement for visits to specialist private physicians, as well as reimbursement for physiotherapy care.
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Slama insurance firm offers unique solutions to policyholders who wish to develop special policies tailored to their specific needs. Thus, three levels of cover are available to you:
Basic package "Must-Have": Medicines outside the health basket + Treatments abroad (transplants, operations and surrogates). This basic package varies according to age and costs between 25 and 140 Shekels / Month.
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Basic "Should-Have" Package: Operations and surrogates in Israel + Disability Insurance + Basic Package Coverage. The price of this Package varies according to the sums insured and the age.
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Complete package "Nice To Have": Two above-mentioned packages + Alternative medicine + Treatment and follow-up of childhood development + Screening and intensive follow-up of patients. The price of this Package also varies according to the sums insured and the age.
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Other existing insurance in Israel in the field of health:
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Disability Insurance (ביטוח סיעודי) - In the event of disability, the state places major responsibility for the care of family members. This is because non-medical care for a disabled patient is not part of the services provided by health organizations under the national law on health insurance. Thus, after examining the patient's state of health, the Ministry of Health (משרד הבריאות), the Ministry of Social Affairs (משרד הרווחה), the National Social Security Institute (מוסד הביטוח לאומי) and the sickness funds (קופות חולים), provide partial assistance only, and those who desire additional services must pay for them themselves.
The disability insurance offered by the Slama firm guarantees full compensation in these types of situations, allows the insured to maintain his independence and not depend on members of his family or his acquaintances.
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Critical Illness Insurance (ביטוח מחלות קשות) - Insurance "serious illness" About ed by Slama firm provides financial compensation to cover family expenses, ensure the standard of living and, of course, choose the best medical treatment in in the event that the insured suffers from one of these diseases (non-exhaustive list): Cancer, acute heart attack, paralysis, Parkinson's, severe burns, stroke (...).
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Do not hesitate ! Slama insurances are at your disposal to give you the best conditions and prices on the market Israeli
Autres assurances existantes en Israël dans le domaine de la santé:
Assurance invalidité (ביטוח סיעודי) - Dans les cas d'invalidité, l'État fait porter la responsabilité majeure des soins aux membres de la famille. Cela s'explique par le fait que les soins non-médicaux dispensés à un patient invalide ne font pas partie des services fournis par les organismes de santé dans le cadre de la loi nationale sur l'assurance maladie. Ainsi, après avoir examiné l’état de santé du patient, le ministère de la Santé (משרד הבריאות), le ministère des Affaires sociales (משרד הרווחה), l’Institut national de sécurité sociale (מוסד הביטוח לאומי) et les caisses de maladie (קופות חולים), fournissent une assistance partielle uniquement, et ceux qui sont désirent des services supplémentaires doivent les payer par eux-mêmes.
L’assurance invalidité proposée par le cabinet Slama garantit une indemnisation complète dans ces types de situations, permet à l’assuré de conserver son indépendance et de ne pas dépendre des membres de sa famille ou de ses connaissances.
Assurances maladies graves (ביטוח מחלות קשות) - L'assurance "maladies graves" proposée par le cabinet Slama prévoit une indemnisation financière pour couvrir les dépenses de la famille, assurer le niveau de vie et, bien entendu, choisir le meilleur traitement médical dans le cas où l'assuré souffrirait de l'une de ces maladies (liste non-exhaustive): Cancer, crise cardiaque aiguë, paralysie, Parkinson, brûlures graves, AVC (...).
N'hésitez plus ! Les assurances Slama sont à votre disposition pour vous donner les meilleures conditions et tarifs sur le marché israélien